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Overview of M5 Connector

Views: 2203 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-04-09 Origin: Site

Technology has evolved, new automating products are entering the market world each day, it is paramount to have the knowledge of how this new tech-products operate. However, each products has its various cables with sizes and ports and different ways to connect them.


As you follow, you will discover how this cables correlate with other cables using the right connectors to enable the system function appropriately.


The M5 connector are safe and have a special surface tension that prevents or resist water penetration and has a product line IP67 rated on final installation.


It is good for industrial water areas and environment with high sensor. They appear in different colors, sizes with amazing features. Satisfactorily, the product is highly trust worthy and efficient. We recommend that before the time of purchase after review, product should be checked for authenticity if they are from a reliable source to avoid disappointment.

 M5 connector

In chosen the M5 connectors, we advise that you use it for just water area and places that are dusty. We can’t guaranty for other environments aside the once mentioned as it can lead to health or environmental hazards.


There are some amazing features about the M5 connectors that gives it an outstanding design in the market and also enables you to understand how the product really works.

Features of M5 connector

This following features are well structured out and perfect enough for your project.

1. Customized pin

This connector has a customized and configured pin inside it which allows a firm grip to its cable to enable easy function.

2. Compatibility

The M5 connectors are highly compactible in softness, flexibility and small which gives the device the ability to interact with its host without system damage.


3. High resistance

This connector has a high range of abrasion resistance and controls or stops the entrance of adhesive chemicals.


4. Pin count

The M5 connectors also has pin counts that work for different uses. Most of the commonly used connector in this category has 3 – 4 pin counts.

5. Acceptance

This connectors are generally accepted. It is widely distributed after production around the globe.


6. High Surface tension

This connectors have the ability to survive and function well in water areas or dusty environment which might be hazards to some other products thereby obstructing quality performance in work environment. If you want a perfect job around a wet area and you need water resisting connectors, think M5 connectors.

 M5 connector

Applications Of M5 Connectors

Some of the applications of this connector are:

· Fluid (wet/water) environment

· Robotics

· LED screens

· Communications

· Automobiles

· Control system

· Agriculture

· Dusty Areas


Contact us for Quality M5 Connectors

The design of this connector is perfect and well structured. Using a connector of this nature secures the connection of your system. As a reliable and experienced manufacturer of M5 connectors, we produce quality products for our clients.


Kindly contact us for this product. We produce quality products that meet your needs. Interestingly, we customize this connector in a way that gives you high performance. Your investment in this fantastic connector will help you in the automation of your new products as well as projects. Click here to see our products. 


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