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M16 Circular Connectors High Pin Count Instruments

Views: 2131 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-04-28 Origin: Site

The first and earliest forms of connectors produced for joining the system together were the M16 connector.

In modern times, these forms of connectors provide end-to-end solutions to many varieties of indoor electronic appliances.

With constant improvements, M16 connectors are a highly rated and perfect choice with a lesser cost and sizable connector of around 24 contacts regardless of the presence or absence of EMI cover.


Based on its versatility and applications, there is a need to partner with a reliable and trusted M16 circular connector manufacturer for durable and quality products.

The following are the features of the M16 circular connector:


1. Extraordinary protection level of up to IP68 and high pin count

The modern M16 circular connector, though still comes in an unshielded form, yet there is some striking difference between those of this era and the ones we used to have before now.

The high demand for a connector with little contact resistance, a high number of pin counts, and a better protection package.


With an M16 circular connector, provisions of about 2-24contact points are available.

Some of these connectors have an upgraded protection level, for example, the protection code is up to   IP67 or IP68 for some brands of connectors.


2. Versatility of application

The design of the connector is such that it gives the device a rugged structure with improved resistance to different environmental conditions.

These features make M16 circular connectors the choicest device to use for measurements, instrumentation, and sensors for use indoors especially when more pin count is required than those available from M8 and M12.

Where these devices are applicable are in gas and pressure determination, motor speed control, etc.

 M16 circular connector

3. Suitable for 5G roll out

The recent applications of M16 circular connectors are in the binding of the antenna interface standards groups of 5G networks roll-out.


This provided extraordinary protection for the chosen outdoor installments in the mobile industry.


4. Data speed of  up to 10Gbits/s

One of the recent innovations in the M16 connectors is their ability to enhance an impressive data speed that is needed in most, if not all of the sensor-related self-operating production facilities.


Their impressive data speed of up to 10Gbits/s in addition to the large pin count and a compressed size makes M16 connectors a better substitute to the more costly connector system.


In need of a high-quality M16 circular connector?

 The M16 connectors have some outstanding and fantastic features that have made them the choicest of all the connector systems for many mobile industries. However, getting a durable and high-quality grade is not an easy task.


Hence, the need to partner with a reliable, reputable, and trusted M16 circular connector manufacturer.


Amissiontech Company is a world-class and experienced company in the production of quality and durable M16 connectors.


We have outstanding high-tech staff with an uncommon quest for quality products that meet the required industrial benchmark.


We are known for our quick and fast delivery of products  to all our esteemed clients across the globe  


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